Thursday, March 17, 2016


So, it's been a while since we last blogged. Things have been pretty crazy. But I'm sure you all know by now that we had our beautiful baby boy earlier this month! Dorian Gabriel Swift was born on March 1st at 12:46 am. Yup, he missed being a leap day baby by just 46 minutes! He was 8 lbs 6 oz, and 21.3 inches.

Coming home from the hospital
Everything went well, and Dorian and Kim are both doing great. It is a lot of fun to see Joslyn with Dorian. She really likes him! At first she was a little scared of him, and wouldn't get too close to him, but now she asks to hold him all the time, and she loves to show us where is hair, nose, eyes, and other body parts are.

Our first day home from the hospital
Such a proud big sister!
Sleepy smiles
Also, Joslyn recently learned to count!

She counts to 10 everytime! Now we just need to teach her that there is not 10 of everything haha.